In making plans for this summer, I realized I need to be more focused and devoted to finding out more about God every day to make this summer useful and worthwhile in His service. So, for the next few weeks that I'm home, I'm going to post something every day that I've learned or realized or thought about that has brought me closer to Him, closer to the feet of Jesus. I hope my journey this summer helps you stay near Him, too. I'm not a great writer, not a great thinker, but I pray that His words and the wisdom of others will help all of us to see His power and hold fast to the Anchor of our souls in the midst of all the change we're facing.
I got a book from my sister Kathryn for graduation. I mentioned it in my normal blog so I'm sure some of you (aka Jenna and Hayley) saw a quote from there. It's called Secure in the Everlasting Arms by Elisabeth Elliot. It's encouraged me and I hope any time I reference it or draw from it (like I am doing today) that it will help you too. Of course, the only real source of Truth is the real place to find God, so please make a goal to search the scriptures daily with me this summer.
Finding the Thread: Reading back over my blog and my "little black notebook," the place where I write quotes I've found or verses that are helpful to me at a certain time, and looking back through my iTunes playlists, it's kind of like reading through a journal. I remember what I thought or felt or saw through all the major events in the past few years of my life. Through every roller coaster year, every crazy surprise, every happy or sad moment, there's one thing that always shows up, one thing that I can trace through it all, one thing that hasn't changed or broken or left or harmed me: the perfect, unbroken thread of God's faithfulness and grace in my life. Every time I thought I had the perfect solution to all the pain in my life, God had something better. Every time I thought I was great or smart or admirable, God showed me I could be better. Every time I was desperate or hurting or wounded, God showed me that He was better than anything or anyone I had put my trust in. He can use every worst day ever to bring about better results. Whether it's giving you a happier future, or giving you more strength to overcome future challenges or temptation, or just giving you a chance to glorify Him through pain, He is USING your life, and bettering you for His service through all the hills and valleys. Today I challenge you to look back. Find the thread of faithfulness in your life. I know it's hard to step back and let Him be your vision, but today, see things from God's perspective.
As I trace the thread, I'm thankful for my family, all of my new sisters who have each brought so much to my life, my roommate, countless friends who have challenged me to be better, Katie, William, and the church families I'm part of. Most of all I'm thankful, because I know that if the thread has brought me this far and through this much, I will be able to trace that thread all the way to the end, and when I get to Heaven that thread of faithfulness will be all that matters. The thread comes in many forms. Money during hard times, friends who know how to help, good grades, homes to live in, a job, a church family, a card when you're about to crumble....Great is His faithfulness. Today, challenge yourself to trust that even when you can't see it, God's plan is better, and that thread won't ever break.
"'Don't be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them.' ....He looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." --2 Kings 6:17
Don't close your eyes and miss the army.
I love this and I love you and I'm excited that we've been learning some of the same lessons. Keep finding threads and let Him weave them together into the tapestry that makes the fabric of life. :)